Give the Gift of Memories
Quality Transfers From: 8 & 16mm Movie Film • Video Tapes • Film Negatives • Slides & Photographs • Records & Tapes
new jersey home movies,Film Transfers to USB Drives, Tapes,film to DVD,Convert film to CD
Call or text: 201-893-7626 or email:
new jersey home movies,Film Transfers to USB Drives, Tapes,film to DVD,Convert film to CD

We digitally restore and transfer VHS tapes as well as all other video tape formats, 8 & 16mm home movie film, plus photographs & slides… all of which are converted to DVD, or can be stored as MP4 files on USB flash drives, either yours or ours.

Unlike the assembly line-like appearance of many of our competitor's end product, our goal has always been to restore our customer’s film and tape media as best we can to their original state in order to produce quality visual presentations that are just as clear and crisp as they were when they were new. In addition, we also create audio transfers from LP's, 33, 45, and 78 rpm records, audio cassettes, and Reel to Reel tape - all digitally mastered to CD, or stored as MP3 files on USB flash drives.

We remain dedicated to the business of restoring and preserving the precious memories of those we serve, as well as chronicle their own family history for the next generation and for generations to come.

Classic Conversions is also on Facebook.

33 Yahara Avenue · Rutherford, N.J. 07070
Phone: 201-438-2657 · Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776 · Call or text: 201-893-7626 ·
© Classic Conversions  ·  Design: Rainbow Graphics
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