In the past viewing a reel to reel home movie was done with with a noisy projector and often a white linen bed sheet, with frequent “intermissions” while waiting for Dad or uncle Don to splice together yet another break in the home movie film.
From Flintsones to the Jetsons:
The process of digital transference we employ utilizes a frame-by-frame capture method synchronized to the original camera speed, ensuring the elimination of any flickering, a smoother playback, and a crisp hi-res image that is hard to tell apart from the original.
We thoroughly inspect all reels for damages, edit and repair film footage wherever necessary, replace faulty splices, and consolidate your small 50 ft. reels onto larger 200' and 400' reels (to ensure a greater degree of efficiency and continuity in the transfer process). Consolidating as many as 8 smaller reels onto one larger reel also provides more convenience in the storage of your original material.
Price per foot for a Straight transfer:
.12¢ per foot on 8mm and Super8 film.
.15¢ per foot on Super8 sound.
.18¢ per foot on 16mm silent film.
.20¢ per foot on 16mm sound.
Maintenance fee: Includes thorough inspection on all footage, film repair and splice replacement,
reel consolidation, cleaning and lubrication... $25 on footage per up to every 1,000 feet.
DV editing: Precision DV editing allows for the removal of unwanted frames and/or scenes that are affected by double exposures, intense brightness (overexposed), extreme darkness (underexposed), excessive camera movement, blurred focus, and otherwise wasted scenes.
If requested, introductory titles are transcribed from their original boxes, canisters, reels, or notes. Matching music, with sound effects (if or when appropriate), plus some transitional effects - such as fades to black (in and out), dissolves, wipes, peels, etc. (inserted between key scenes in a movie, slide, and/or photo presentation to visually designate a passage of time or shift in location). DV editing package: $75 per each DVD (1 hour & 30 min.).