Give the Gift of Memories
Quality Transfers From: 8 & 16mm Movie Film • Video Tapes • Film Negatives • Slides & Photographs • Records & Tapes
new jersey home movies,Film Transfers to USB Drives, Tapes,film to DVD,Convert film to CD
Call or text: 201-893-7626 or email:
new jersey home movies,Film Transfers to USB Drives, Tapes,film to DVD,Convert film to CD

Photos, Slides & Transparencies

We hand check and inspect every one of your your 35mm slides, photographs, or film negatives and transparencies before they are cleaned, scanned, and digitized into high resolution images* that are converted to J.peg, TIFF, GIF, or Pict files.

From there, they can either be stored onto CD video disk(s), external hard drives, or USB flash drives, that will make it easy for you to ʻdrag and dropʼ them anywhere - and where you can edit using your device's photo editing software tools, send as email file attachments, print-out on your printer, use as a Screensaver, or share with friends on your Facebook page.

* Up to 600 dpi

Slideshow Presentations

As an additional service, we can help you arrange your restored photos and slides into a slideshow presentation format - that would include appropriate music (yours or ours), a main title, transitional effects, plus introductory titles inserted wherever needed. The Slideshow Presentation package would cost $75 for up to one hour of edited material, and be pro-rated accordingly beyond that.

We recommend that you arrange your photos and slides in the proper sequence or in the order you would like them to be seen (preferably in chronological order, and/or according to dates), and have them clearly numbered, using a pencil, labels, or post-its. DO NOT USE a pen as the ink may rub off onto the emulsion.

This would also be the time to start thinking about music and titles. You can choose to have a greeting at the beginning, and/or a closing statement ('Post script') at the end of the presentation. For example, if you are making an anniversary video, you could simply put "Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad" at the beginning, and “With Love, from All of Us” at the end. Or, if you wish, you can be more personal and creative in your titles. Why not use some poetry or a favorite quotation? Your Slideshow presentation can be formatted to a .mov or .MP4 file, finalized to a DVD, and/or uploaded to Youtube.

35mm Slides, Negatives, Transparencies, & Photos

.50¢ each up to 500 images; .45¢ each from 501 to 1,000 (the max. per DVD). Restoration and repair is provided for any damages to your image that includes: scratches, pinholes, tears, stains, discoloration, yellowing, wrinkles, fading, and may involve an incremental cost per slide depending on the extent of the damages and work thatʼs required.

Keeping the Family Legacy Alive

Your family’s priceless memories no longer have to remain buried in storage. Memories that have been ʻcaptured in timeʼ can at long last come ‘out of the closet’ and be shared with all of your family members today, as well as be perfectly preserved for future generations.

33 Yahara Avenue · Rutherford, N.J. 07070
Phone: 201-438-2657 · Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776 · Call or text: 201-893-7626 ·
© Classic Conversions  ·  Design: Rainbow Graphics
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