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Quality Transfers From: 8 & 16mm Movie Film • Video Tapes • Film Negatives • Slides & Photographs • Records & Tapes
new jersey home movies,Film Transfers to USB Drives, Tapes,film to DVD,Convert film to CD
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new jersey home movies,Film Transfers to USB Drives, Tapes,film to DVD,Convert film to CD

Video Tapes

Sadly, video cassette tapes have become a thing of the past as VHS and other video tape players have become obsolete and harder to find. As DVDs have become today’s standard you may have been left without the means to view or preserve the video tapes that have been left behind and that now may be cluttering up much needed space.

Classic Conversions can help you digitally transfer VHS, VHS-C, S-VHS, 8mm, Hi-8, Video-8, Mini-DV, BetaMax, and BetaCam to DVDs that you can view on your TV via your DVD Player, laptop computer, tablet, etc. We can also store them as .mp4 or .mov files to an external hard drive or USB flashdrive for later use on your computer and that you can use to create additional copies, edit your footage, save as file attachments in your email, or post to YouTube, Facebook, or any other favorite websites.

We also convert European standard (PAL) tapes to North American standard (NTSC).

On DVD: Each video tape can be transferred to its own DVD, with more than one tape mastered to a multi-volume set. No more rewinding, no more broken tapes. And because you would be converting the outdated analog signal to digital, the first viewing will look as good as the 1,000th!

On USB: Each video tape can be formatted at full length (or subdivided and grouped by category) and converted into .mp4 files that are stored on USB flashdrives, ready to plug and play into USB ports of your computer, smart TV, or Tablet.

If you've given up on finding out what's on some of your tapes because they're either damaged or broken, donʼt despair... we know how to repair them too!

A Straight transfer (unedited) includes the direct transfer of your tape(s) just as it appears, from analog to digital, so basically what you see is what you get, at @ $25 per tape*.

A Full DV edited transfer includes more extensive DV editing; introductory titles transcribed from the original labels, boxes, or notes; transitional effects (fades, wipes, dissolves, etc.); as well as appropriate music and sound effects if needed @ $35 per tape*.

Whether straight or DV edited, your transferred movies can be arranged on the DVDʼs Title Page as either Continuous Play, or subdivided into as many as 10-12 subcategories (represented as menu / chapter buttons) for easy DVD navigation. You can even use your own words to customize a main title to go along with graphics on the Title Page (for example: "Taylor Family Memories", etc.), and which can also be printed out on the face of the disk.

*Tapes over the standard length of 2 hours (SP) will incur an extra charge, normally $5 per up to each additional hour of viewing.

33 Yahara Avenue · Rutherford, N.J. 07070
Phone: 201-438-2657 · Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776 · Call or text: 201-893-7626 ·
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